There is an ever growing demand for Optometrist all over the world

An Optometrist can choose to work in the following areas :

  • Independent practice as an Optometris.
  • Work in specialty eye hospital as a consultant Optometrist & specialty counselor.
  • Consultant Optometrist in optical trade and Industry.
  • Teaching in Optometry Colleges.
  • Research and development in Advanced optometry.
  • Start own specialty clinic like contact lens, Computer vision, Sport Vision, Orthoptics and Vision Therapy, etc.
  • For those interested in Higher studies,Post graduation in the form of fellowship as well as Masters and PhD programs are available in India and overseas.
  • Job opportunities with multinational eye care companies.


Dr. Parvathi M.P.S [ DOMS, DNB ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco surgeon, Prncipal for paramedical courses and Bsc optometry.

Dr. Sowmyalatha.M [ MS (Opth) ]

Fellowship in cornea & MicrosurgeryCornea consultant.

Dr. Devaprasad.G [ DOMS, DNB ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco Refractive surgeon.

Dr. Vandana Sarda [ MBBS,DOMS ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco surgeon.

Dr. Ruma Banerjee [ MBBS, DOMS, DNB ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco surgeon.

Dr. Madan Raj.M [ MBBS, MS( OPHTHO ) ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco Refractive surgeon .

Dr.Tanuja Abhilash [ MBBS,MS(Optho),FMRI ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco surgeon Medical Retina consultant.

Dr. A.V Vijayakumar [ MBMS,DOMS ]

Senior consultant ophthalmologist.


Ms. Shobha [ Physics ]
Mr. Gangadharaiah [ Physics ]
Mr. Murulidhar [ Chemistry ]
Ms. Lalitha Murthy [ Biology ]
Mr. Venkatappa [ English ]