Timing : Monday - Saturday (9AM - 8PM) | Sunday : 9AM-1PM


Dr. Sowmyalatha.M [ MS (Opth) ]

Medical Superintendent

Dr. Parvathi M.P.S [ DOMS, DNB ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco surgeon.

Dr. Devaprasad.G [ DOMS, DNB ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco Refractive surgeon.

DR. S.Priya [ , (MBBS, MS,Ophthal ) ]

Fellowship in cataract and Refractive surgery..

Dr. Ruma Banerjee [ MBBS, DOMS, DNB ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco surgeon.

Dr. Madan Raj.M [ MBBS, MS( OPHTHO ) ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco Refractive surgeon .

Dr.Tanuja Abhilash [ MBBS,MS(Optho),FMRI ]

Anterior segment surgeon-Cataract and Phaco surgeon Medical Retina consultant.

Dr. A.V Vijayakumar [ MBMS,DOMS ]

Senior consultant ophthalmologist.


Dr. Shivaprasad.K

Cataract and Phaco ,Refractive surgeon.

Dr. Raju.S .

Retina Specialist

Dr. Ajay.Y.H

Pediatric Ophthalmologist & Squint.

Dr. Manjunath.M.C

Retina Specialist.

Dr. Srikanth.Y.N

Retina Specialist.

Dr. Hemanth Kumar


Dr. RaghuRaj Hegde

Oculoplasty Consultant .

Dr. Lokesh.S.M

On call anaesthetist.

Dr. Shivaprasad

Visiting Phaco Surgeon .

Dr. Shilpa

Glaucoma Consultant .

Dr. Vidyadevi

Glaucoma Consultant.

Dr. Sowmyalatha M

Cornea Specialist .